Released on 09 May 2021
Features and enhancements:
S3limit - This feature will define dynamically how many lines will be added to s3, when the s3limit flag is used s3 flag is not needed also. Default s3 limit, if above flag not used in 100k lines(that can be configured in config in future). The following is an example. {app="kubernetes",s3limit="1"}
SIMD Jsonparser- Episilia was using Rapid Jsonparser and now we have implemented SIMD Jsonparser for better performance to get improved throughput from the indexer. also as of now it is configurable in the config of Episilia-log-indexer, Default is SIMD Jsonparser but the user can choose to run in Rapid Jsonparser also bypassing this property.
- name: ops.use.simdjson.parser value: "true" (true indicates SIMD and false will be Rapid)
Help Message - In grafana the user by default will see the Help link as the first message, the below message will on top. 2021-04-01 13:57:43 Episilia User Guide: http://help.episilia.com
S3 Directory Restructuring - This will do the Directory structuring in Stage folder datewise directories will be created for more accessibility and will help historic search without final also.
Bug fixes:
Memory leak Fixes in Episilia-search and Episilia-log-indexer.
Unescape quotes before passing to search. i.e {app="kubernetes"} |= ""episilia" will work .
Print search error logs into log stream than a pop-up error.
Changed the syntax ctxlimit to ctx
Fixes on empty search issue.
Fixes for Log-indexer freezing the log consumption from kafka
Config changes:
There are no config changes.
Last updated