
Released on 27 May 2021

Features and enhancements:

  • Episilia Control Panel :

- Monitors health/metrics of episilia cluster

- Collects server tools health indicators/metrics and also runs additional health checks on episilia

  • Search Pod Memory improvement:

- Index in-memory size compaction leads to lower index warming memory.

- Use ops.index.memory.maxmb for search cache sizing. Reduces memory usage by queries.

Bug fixes:

  • Multi JSON Parsers in episilia-log-indexer for better performance i.e Multi threads are enabled now.

Config Changes:

  • All the servers now have to pass the client name and env for the Cpanel has the data stored under their unique env.

- client.name: epic

- client.env: prod

  • All the existing servers have got these new configs through which the required info for cpanel is handled.

- cpanel.data.topic: cpaneld

- cpanel.data.interval.seconds: 300

- out.kafka.metadata.broker.list: localhost:9092

  • ops.server.mode: gateway

Values based on :




- SERVER_MODE_SEARCH_DATE_RANGE "search_daterange" (Historic search)


  • Some new config changes only for episilia-log-indexer

- out.kafka.metadata.broker.list: localhost:9092

- out.kafka.stage.topic: stagefiles #publish indexed files

- out.kafka.stage.group.topic: stagegroup #publish indexed files

- out.kafka.optimize.topic: optfiles # publish file names post optimization

- out.kafka.optimize.group.id: optimizer-group # kafka group used by optimizer for the above topics

- out.kafka.sign.payload: true

Last updated